comfort collective

Ritual is the passageway of the soul into the Infinite.

Algernon Blackwood

Ritual Healing Techniques

  • Smudging or fire rituals are seen as methods of healing trauma + disconnection with the spirit world since ancient times. These rituals help us develop our sense of the self. Common herbs that are used in smudging or fire rituals include white sage, palo santo, lavender, juniper + rosemary. Out of respect for ancient Indigienous ceremony, please source your smudging tools ethically or avoid altogether if it is not part of your individual culture.
  • Ritual baths are a staple for self-care. Taking a ritual bath under a full moon has many benefits such as spirit/aura cleansing, negative energy release + harmonizing the body’s bioenergetic weak points. On the day of the full moon your body is at its peak for healing. This means that the body will absorb the highest amount during this phase (as ions). You can add many types of ingredients to your ritual bath, depending on your intention, such as Himalayan salt, coconut milk or florida water, dried herbs + essential oils. Our favorite chakra-balancing essential oils are ylang-ylang + patchouli. The surrounding atmosphere of your ritual bath is just as important as your intention + your choice of ingredients for your bath. Lighting incense or candles + having crystals (blue lace agate, black tourmaline or lepidolite) to place nearby are nice options as well. Pro tip: using a muslin bag for your dried herbs will prevent any messes + your drain from clogging!
  • Crystal healing rituals can be quick + easy, or as intricate as you’d like. A quick crystal ritual you can try is a manifestation ritual with red jasper. Red jasper is an extremely grounding crystal + can help you achieve the right headspace to get down-to-business. Rub the red jasper between the hands for one minute or more for best results. You can learn more about the chakras, specific crystals + essential oils to use for self-healing + specific intentions with our online courses.
  • Sound healing can improve many aspects of your life. When specific sound waves reach the brain they are converted to electrical signals which result in stress relief, productivity, creativity + improved mood. Listening to music releases dopamine in the brain, as well as oxytocin — a natural painkiller. There are many types of sound healing, including the use of singing bowls. This technique is dated back to the 12th century and was widely used in Asian culture for meditation. Sound healing has many benefits ranging from alleviation of aches + pains, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress or anxiety + improving circulation.
  • Moon rituals. With the lunar cycle in mind, you can perform a moon water ritual using household items. Once you’ve collected your moon water there are countless uses such as drinking it, using it for a ritual bath (for yourself or your crystals) or as a daily facial toner. To create your toner, fill a spray bottle with your moon water + a few drops of your favorite essential oil to enjoy this simple skin care ritual.
  • Smoking ceremonies have been around since ancient times among many cultures. Modern adaptation of a smoking ceremony can include marijuana or cbd for an amplified healing experience. When grinding this healing flower, imagine you are grinding away any negativity surrounding you either with a grinder or by using your fingers. If you are using rolling papers, be clear with your intention(s) + write them on the paper. As you distribute the flower, repeat a mantra to yourself which align with your intention. When lighting, light using a candle which has already been annointed or positively energized. As you smoke, let the smoke fill your lungs as you focus your mind on that which you wish to manifest. Remember: inhale the good sh*t, exhale the bullsh*t.

As you can see, there are many different methods to performing rituals from home or on-the-go. Depending on the person or intention, specific methods may work best. Let us know if you would like a personal healing assessment by sending us an email:!

Check out our store for more ritual healing tools!


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