It’s simple to get started with creating your sacred space. Here are some common items used when creating a sacred space:
- Healing Crystals such as amethyst, clear quartz, rose quartz, labradorite, citrine, fluorite, obsidian + selenite can raise frequencies and empower you to attract the energies that you desire.

- Palo Santo is typically used for spiritual purification + cleansing. When these sticks are burned the smoke is believed to clear negative energies + restore balance, tranquility + calm emotions.
- Smudge sticks are commonly used in smudging ceremonies or rituals to purify the body, aura, energy + personal space or belongings. There are many types of smudge sticks such as sage, cedar, sweetgrass, rosemary, lavender + juniper. Learn more about the history of Native American smudging ceremonies here.

- Incense such as cedarwood, copal, dragonsblood, frankincense, nag champa, patchouli + song of india are among favorites to be used while meditating, praying + performing healing rituals.
- Plants such as spider plants, aloe vera, snake plants, Boston Fern, English Ivy + Red-Edged Dracaena can purify and improve air quality within your sacred space. Herbs such as lavender, myrrh, sage, sweetgrass, frankincense, cedar, rosemary, sandalwood + eucalyptus can be used during rituals to rid negative energy, revitalization, generate good fortune, healing and strengthening psychic abilities.
- Essential oils – geranium, juniper, cilantro, lavender, frankincense, myrrh and yarrow oils to use for rituals, annointing and body massage to (re)connect with the self, psychic abilities and open the door for protection, healing, purification + releasing negative energy.
- Tarot + oracle decks can be used to tap into your intuition and to establish your sacred space. Check here for our favorite decks!

- Candles have been used since ancient times and many believed that a lit candle can connect our physical realm with the spiritual realm. By lighting candles with intention you are unveiling your own divine potential. The color of the candles chosen for ritual use or your sacred space should be chosen wisely as these align with specific intentions. For example, white candles represent the highest level of consciousness + are great additions to any space.
- Representations of the four elements which are Fire, Air, Water + Earth. Fire energy (South, lower right corner) is powerful and can be represented with candles. Air energy (East/upper right corner) can be represented with feathers or burning ceremonial plants such as palo santo, sage, copal, sweetgrass or mugwort + a great way to focus your intentions associated with this element. Water energy (West/upper left corner) is about power + letting things flow, which can be represented by having clean water in your sacred space. Earth energy (north/lower left corner) embodies sacred feminine energy and can be represented by placing crystals, stones or a live plant on your altar.
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